Garden Seeds Chp Page 4

Garden Seeds Chp  Page 4
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Long Green Improved Cucumber Seeds (Cucumis sativus cv.) 

Long Green Improved Cucumber Seeds (Cucumis sativus cv.)

Long Green Improved Cucumber Seeds (Cucumis sativus cv.). Cucumbers have been cultivated for centuries in India and China and were part of the diet of Greeks and Romans. They were introduced into the New World by 15th-century Spanish explorers who brought fruits to Haiti. Thomas Jefferson included "early lo... - Long Green Improved Cucumber Seeds (Cucumis sativus cv.).

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Long Island Mammoth Dill Seeds (Anethum graveolens cv.) 

Long Island Mammoth Dill Seeds (Anethum graveolens cv.)

Long Island Mammoth Dill Seeds (Anethum graveolens cv.). This strongly aromatic, self-seeding herb is native from the Mediterranean region to Southern Russia and was cultivated for its carminative, or gas dispelling, properties by the Greeks and Romans. Both its fern-like foliage and spic... - Long Island Mammoth Dill Seeds (Anethum graveolens cv.).

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Long Red Cayenne Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum) 

Long Red Cayenne Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum)

Long Red Cayenne Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum). Thomas Jefferson first planted the Cayenne Pepper in 1767 at Shadwell, his birthplace, just before his 24th birthday. This versatile tropical fruit is used in cooking - fresh or dried - as a hot, spicy flavoring. The green or ripe p... - Long Red Cayenne Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum).

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Lupine Seeds (Lupinus perennis) 

Lupine Seeds (Lupinus perennis)

Lupine Seeds (Lupinus perennis). The perennial Lupine is a North American native that was introduced to Europe by 1658 and listed in Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMahon's 1804 Broadside. The plant forms showy spikes of blue, pea-like flowers that are attractive to butterfl... - Lupine Seeds (Lupinus perennis).

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Maltese Cross Seeds (Lychnis chalcedonica) 

Maltese Cross Seeds (Lychnis chalcedonica)

Maltese Cross Seeds (Lychnis chalcedonica). Maltese Cross is an early summer-blooming perennial that bears tight clusters of bright scarlet, cross-shaped flowers on long stalks. It was an early import to the American colonies, and was listed in Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMah... - Maltese Cross Seeds (Lychnis chalcedonica).

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Mammoth Russian Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annuus cv.) 

Mammoth Russian Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annuus cv.)

Mammoth Russian Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annuus cv.). The annual sunflower, Helianthus annuus, is a North American species cultivated and harvested for food by Native Americans for centuries. The Spanish introduced it to Europe by the 1500s, where it became widespread as an oil crop an... - Mammoth Russian Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annuus cv.).

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Mignonette Seeds (Reseda odorata grandiflora) 

Mignonette Seeds (Reseda odorata grandiflora)

Mignonette Seeds (Reseda odorata grandiflora). Mignonette was introduced to ornamental gardens in Europe about 1725, and because of its sweet fragrance both as a garden plant and as a cut flower, its popularity grew steadily on both sides of the Atlantic through the 19th century. Thom... - Mignonette Seeds (Reseda odorata grandiflora).

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Monticello Herb Seed Collection 

Monticello Herb Seed Collection

Monticello Herb Seed Collection. In 1794, Thomas Jefferson composed a list in his Garden Book of "Objects for the garden this year;" included were a number of useful herbs, commonly grown in gardens of the period for their culinary and medicinal applications. The fragran... - Monticello Herb Seed Collection.

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Monticello's Favorite Flowers Seed Collection 

Monticello's Favorite Flowers Seed Collection

Monticello's Favorite Flowers Seed Collection. Monticello is surrounded with flower gardens designed by Thomas Jefferson. Twenty oval flowerbeds are tucked in the corners around his home and his expansive West Lawn is bordered by a spectacular floral display. These annual flowers provide the ba... - Monticello's Favorite Flowers Seed Collection.

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Moon and Stars Watermelon Seeds (Citrullus lanatus cv.) 

Moon and Stars Watermelon Seeds (Citrullus lanatus cv.)

Moon and Stars Watermelon Seeds (Citrullus lanatus cv.). The Moon and Stars Watermelon has a dark green rind speckled with tiny yellow "stars" and an occasional large yellow patch, or "moon". Released by the seed-house of Peter Henderson and Co. of New Jersey in 1926, its rediscovery in 1981 on... - Moon and Stars Watermelon Seeds (Citrullus lanatus cv.).

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Narrow-leaved Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea angustifolia) 

Narrow-leaved Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea angustifolia)

Narrow-leaved Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea angustifolia). Narrow-leaved Coneflower is a summer-blooming perennial bearing daisy-like, rosy-pink flowers with reflexed petals; attractive to butterflies. Like the common Purple Coneflower (E. purpurea), this species is native to the Midwestern U.S. ... - Narrow-leaved Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea angustifolia).

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Nasturtium Seeds (Tropaeolum majus) 

Nasturtium Seeds (Tropaeolum majus)

Nasturtium Seeds (Tropaeolum majus). Nasturtium, also known as Indian Cress, was often grown as an edible plant in the 18th century, as seen by it's inclusion in Thomas Jefferson's vegetable garden. The young leaves and flowers can be enjoyed in salads, and the s... - Nasturtium Seeds (Tropaeolum majus).

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Nora Barlow Columbine Seeds (Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata cv.) 

Nora Barlow Columbine Seeds (Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata cv.)

Nora Barlow Columbine Seeds (Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata cv.). Nora Barlow Columbine, a modern name honoring Charles Darwin's granddaughter, is in fact an old, unusual type of double-flowered, short-spurred columbine known as far back as the 16th century. This short-lived but self-seeding... - Nora Barlow Columbine Seeds (Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata cv.).

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Nutmeg Plant; Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella sativa) 

Nutmeg Plant; Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella sativa)

Nutmeg Plant; Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella sativa). Thomas Jefferson sowed seeds of "Nutmeg Plant" in a Monticello oval bed in 1810. Also called Black Cumin, Black Seed, and Fennel Flower, this hardy annual has been grown for centuries for the aromatic seed, which has many culi... - Nutmeg Plant; Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella sativa).

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Painted Lady Sweet Pea Seeds (Lathyrus odoratus cv.) 

Painted Lady Sweet Pea Seeds (Lathyrus odoratus cv.)

Painted Lady Sweet Pea Seeds (Lathyrus odoratus cv.). Francis Cupani, a Franciscan monk, first sent seed of the purple-flowered species of Sweet Pea to England from Sicily in 1699. Painted Lady Sweet Pea is a highly scented, pink and white bicolor variety, which was in cultivatio... - Painted Lady Sweet Pea Seeds (Lathyrus odoratus cv.).

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Paris White Cos Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa var. romana cv.) 

Paris White Cos Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa var. romana cv.)

Paris White Cos Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa var. romana cv.). Lettuce was an important crop for Thomas Jefferson, who recorded planting it for nearly sixty years in his Garden Book. He first listed Cos Lettuce in 1794. Also known as Romaine, Cos lettuces produce long, erect heads that are larg... - Paris White Cos Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa var. romana cv.).

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Perennial Pea Seeds (Lathyrus latifolius) 

Perennial Pea Seeds (Lathyrus latifolius)

Perennial Pea Seeds (Lathyrus latifolius). Perennial Pea is a summer-flowering vine that Thomas Jefferson sowed in one of the oval beds at Monticello in 1807. It was an established garden plant in America before 1720. Perennial Pea is a long-lived vigorous climber with attractive blue-green l... - Perennial Pea Seeds (Lathyrus latifolius).

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Pincushion Flower Seeds (Scabiosa atropurpurea) 

Pincushion Flower Seeds (Scabiosa atropurpurea)

Pincushion Flower Seeds (Scabiosa atropurpurea). When Thomas Jefferson requested roots and bulbs of the "Mourning bride" from his neighbor, Isaac Coles, in 1811, he may have been referring to the Pincushion Flower. Also known as Mourning Bride because of its association with griev... - Pincushion Flower Seeds (Scabiosa atropurpurea).

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Plains Coreopsis Seeds (Coreopsis tinctoria) 

Plains Coreopsis Seeds (Coreopsis tinctoria)

Plains Coreopsis Seeds (Coreopsis tinctoria). The Plains Coreopsis is a fast-growing annual native to North America from Canada to Northwest Mexico and especially common in the Great Plains and southern states. By the mid-19th century the Plains Coreopsis was touted for its showy yellow flower h... - Plains Coreopsis Seeds (Coreopsis tinctoria).

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Purple Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea purpurea) 

Purple Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea purpurea)

Purple Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea purpurea). Purple Coneflower is native to the central and southeastern U.S. and is valued for its showy pink daisy-like flowers, attractiveness to pollinators and birds, and its drought and deer tolerance. It was first exported to Europe in 1699 by ... - Purple Coneflower Seeds (Echinacea purpurea).

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