Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv

Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv
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Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds (Vigna unguiculata cv.)

Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds (Vigna unguiculata cv.)

Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds (Vigna unguiculata cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.In 1798 Thomas Jefferson wrote that the cowpea (also called southern, crowder, or field pea) "is very productive [and an] excellent food for man and beast." He also praised the species' ability to improve the tilth and fertility of the soil. Cowpeas, first brought to the southeastern U.S. by African slaves, were sowed in the South Orchard at Monticello between 1806 and 1810. Whippoorwill Cowpea, a bush variety with short runners,... - Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds (Vigna unguiculata cv.).

Price: $4.95 from Monticello Shop

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Monticello Shop Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds (Vigna unguiculata cv.) $4.95Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv

Asparagus Bean Seeds (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis) 

Asparagus Bean Seeds (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis)

Asparagus Bean Seeds (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.The Asparagus Bean, botanically similar to the black-eyed pea, is a Southern Asia native described by Linnaeus in 1763. First planted at Monticello in 1809, Jefferson wrote his son-in-law&com... - Asparagus Bean Seeds (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis).

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Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv
Strawflower Seeds (Helichrysum bracteatum) 

Strawflower Seeds (Helichrysum bracteatum)

Strawflower Seeds (Helichrysum bracteatum). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.Strawflower, a half-hardy annual that withstands light frosts, was introduced from Australia to England in 1799, and has since been treasured for its everlasting flowers that are ideal for dr... - Strawflower Seeds (Helichrysum bracteatum).

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Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv
Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens) 

Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens)

Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.In 1786, as he was serving as Minister to France, Thomas Jefferson sent a collection of seeds and plants home to friends, including the lovely purple-flowering Heliotrope: "To be sowed in spr... - Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens).

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Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv
Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum) 

Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum)

Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.Thomas Jefferson planted Sesame, or "Benni", for many years at Monticello in order to press a salad oil from the seeds. He wrote in 1811, "I did not believe there existed so perfect a substit... - Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum).

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Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv
Larkspur Seeds (Consolida ajacis) 

Larkspur Seeds (Consolida ajacis)

Larkspur Seeds (Consolida ajacis). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.Jefferson noted Larkspur blooming at Shadwell in July 1767, thought it suitable for naturalizing at Monticello "in the open ground on the west" in 1771, and sowed seed around his winding flower bor... - Larkspur Seeds (Consolida ajacis).

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Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv
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Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.). Harvested from the gardens at MonticelloMoney Plant, or Honesty, is a self-seeding biennial named for it's showiest feature--its 2-foot stalks of silvery, coin-shaped seedpods, which are attractive in dried arrangements. It wa... - Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.).

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Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv
Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds Vigna unguiculata cv

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