Asparagus Bean Seeds (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.The Asparagus Bean, botanically similar to the black-eyed pea, is a Southern Asia native described by Linnaeus in 1763. First planted at Monticello in 1809, Jefferson wrote his son-in-law, John Wayles Eppes: "It is a very valuable [vegetable], much more tender and delicate than the snap [bean], and may be dressed in any form in which Asparagus may, particularly fried in batter, or chopped to the size of the garden... - Asparagus Bean Seeds (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis).
Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds (Vigna unguiculata cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.In 1798 Thomas Jefferson wrote that the cowpea (also called southern, crowder, or field pea) "is very productive [and an] excellent food for man and beast." He also praised the species' ability to ... - Whippoorwill Cowpea Seeds (Vigna unguiculata cv.).
Hyacinth Bean Seeds (Dolichos lablab). Harvested from the gardens at MonticelloThe Hyacinth Bean is featured on the arbor in the Monticello vegetable garden and draws countless questions from visitors every year. In his Garden Book in 1812, Thomas Jefferson mentioned, "Arbor b... - Hyacinth Bean Seeds (Dolichos lablab).
Hidatsa Red Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.A primary goal of the Jefferson-sponsored Lewis and Clark Expedition was botanical exploration of North America. In 1805 the members of the 'Corps of Discovery' spent six winter months at Fort Mandan on the Mi... - Hidatsa Red Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris cv.).
Refugee Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.The Refugee Bean may be synonymous with the "Switzerland gray" bean Thomas Jefferson sent home from Paris in 1786. Refugee, a snap bean named for the French Huguenots who introduced it into general culti... - Refugee Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris cv.).
Yellow Arikara Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.Arikara Beans were named for the Dakota Arikara tribe encountered by Lewis and Clark during their "Voyage of Discovery." Dried Arikara beans helped sustain the members of the Expedition through the arduous For... - Yellow Arikara Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris cv.).
Guinea Bean or Snake Gourd Seeds (Lagenaria siceraria var.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.A member of the bottle gourd tribe, Guinea Bean bears light green, cylindrical fruits up to 5' long with creamy-white flesh similar to squash. It was believed to originate from New Guinea, he... - Guinea Bean or Snake Gourd Seeds (Lagenaria siceraria var.).