Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare

Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare
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Marrowfat Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum var. medullare)

Marrowfat Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum var. medullare)

Marrowfat Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum var. medullare). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello. Thomas Jefferson regularly planted Marrowfat Peas at Monticello every two weeks in early spring. They first appeared in his Garden Book on March 12, 1773: "sowed a patch of Early peas, and another of Marrow fats." This large pea ripens later than other garden peas, June 24 in 1819 at Monticello, and was generally dried and used in soups, but is also enjoyable when boiled or canned.This late-season English, or shelling,... - Marrowfat Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum var. medullare).

Price: $4.95 from Monticello Shop

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Monticello Shop Marrowfat Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum var. medullare) $4.95Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare

Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.) 

Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.)

Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.). Harvested from the gardens at MonticelloMoney Plant, or Honesty, is a self-seeding biennial named for it's showiest feature--its 2-foot stalks of silvery, coin-shaped seedpods, which are attractive in dried arrangements. It wa... - Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.).

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Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare
Prussian Blue Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.) 

Prussian Blue Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.)

Prussian Blue Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello. Prussian Blue Peas, developed in Germany in the 18th century and noted for the dark blue-green seeds, were grown at Monticello in 1809, the first year of Jefferson's retirement from public o... - Prussian Blue Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.).

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Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare
Blue-podded Capucijner Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.) 

Blue-podded Capucijner Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.)

Blue-podded Capucijner Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.The Blue-podded Capucijner (cap-ou-SIGH-nah) is a hardy pea first grown by the Franciscan Capuchin monks in Holland and Germany during the early 1600's. Its particularly beautiful, bi-colored flowers are... - Blue-podded Capucijner Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.).

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Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare
Prince Albert Pea (Pisum sativum cv.) 

Prince Albert Pea (Pisum sativum cv.)

Prince Albert Pea (Pisum sativum cv.). In the middle of the nineteenth century, 'Prince Albert' was the most popular of all the varieties of English Pea in the United States. It was grown in England before 1837 and introduced into the United States in 1845. Fearing Burr, who d... - Prince Albert Pea (Pisum sativum cv.).

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Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare
Strawflower Seeds (Helichrysum bracteatum) 

Strawflower Seeds (Helichrysum bracteatum)

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Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare
Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens) 

Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens)

Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.In 1786, as he was serving as Minister to France, Thomas Jefferson sent a collection of seeds and plants home to friends, including the lovely purple-flowering Heliotrope: "To be sowed in spr... - Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens).

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Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare
Marrowfat Pea Seeds Pisum sativum var medullare

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