Jefferson A Monticello Sampler

Jefferson A Monticello Sampler
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Jefferson:  A Monticello Sampler

Jefferson: A Monticello Sampler

Jefferson: A Monticello Sampler. Jefferson: A Monticello Sampler by Rick Britton is a captivating collection of essays on Thomas Jefferson's multi-faceted life. An award-winning historical journalist, Britton has been writing about Jefferson and Monticello for well over a decade. Based largely upon that work, this book delves deeply into Jefferson?'s unbounded curiosity and reveals much about his eclectic nature. Awarded the Bronze Medal for best non-fiction book in the mid-Atlantic region in the Independent Publisher... - Jefferson: A Monticello Sampler.

Price: $19.95 from Monticello Shop

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Thomas Jefferson: A Day at Monticello 

Thomas Jefferson: A Day at Monticello

Thomas Jefferson: A Day at Monticello. In this fascinating story by Elizabeth V. Chew, former curator at Monticello, readers age 8 to 12 spend a day with Thomas Jefferson as he and his grandson tour Monticello. Learn about Jefferson, the gadgets and household items he re... - Thomas Jefferson: A Day at Monticello.

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Jefferson and Monticello The Biography of a Builder 

Jefferson and Monticello The Biography of a Builder

Jefferson and Monticello The Biography of a Builder. If our homes are a reflection of our selves, our psyches as well as our tastes, then surely Monticello, the labor of nearly a lifetime and quite possibly the most creative endeavor of an immensely creative man, is a fitting av... - Jefferson and Monticello The Biography of a Builder.

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Jefferson A Monticello Sampler
Thomas Jefferson's Flower Garden at Monticello 

Thomas Jefferson's Flower Garden at Monticello

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Jefferson A Monticello Sampler
Monticello: The Official Guide to Thomas Jefferson's World 

Monticello: The Official Guide to Thomas Jefferson's World

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Jefferson A Monticello Sampler
Thomas Jefferson at Monticello: Architecture, Landscape, Collections, Books, Food, Wine 

Thomas Jefferson at Monticello: Architecture, Landscape, Collections, Books, Food, Wine

Thomas Jefferson at Monticello: Architecture, Landscape, Collections, Books, Food, Wine. This visually stunning volume explores Monticello, both house and plantation, with texts that present a current assessment of Jefferson's cultural contributions to his noteworthy home and the fledgling country. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826... - Thomas Jefferson at Monticello: Architecture, Landscape, Collections, Books, Food, Wine.

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Jefferson A Monticello Sampler
The Jefferson Bible 

The Jefferson Bible

The Jefferson Bible. In 1819 Thomas Jefferson began isolating the passages from the Bible which he believed to be the authentic words and teachings of Jesus. "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth," extracted textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin&com... - The Jefferson Bible.

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Jefferson A Monticello Sampler
Jefferson A Monticello Sampler

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