Monticello: The Official Guide to Thomas Jefferson's World. Beautifully illustrated with more than 300 photographs, paintings, drawings, and maps, Monticello: The Official Guide to Thomas Jefferson's World invites readers into the realm of the man who penned the Declaration of Independence, revealing his architectural and scientific genius, his family and friendships, and his endless curiosity. Designed for the more than 400,000 people who visit this UNESCO World Heritage site each year, this guide reflects... - Monticello: The Official Guide to Thomas Jefferson's World.
Thomas Jefferson: A Day at Monticello. In this fascinating story by Elizabeth V. Chew, former curator at Monticello, readers age 8 to 12 spend a day with Thomas Jefferson as he and his grandson tour Monticello. Learn about Jefferson, the gadgets and household items he re... - Thomas Jefferson: A Day at Monticello.
Thomas Jefferson's Flower Garden at Monticello. Presents the evolutional of Thomas Jefferson's ornamental gardening efforts with an analysis of the flower gardens as they were planned, planted, and ultimately restored. This enlarged third edition includes a revised plant list, a... - Thomas Jefferson's Flower Garden at Monticello.
Thomas Jefferson at Monticello: Architecture, Landscape, Collections, Books, Food, Wine. This visually stunning volume explores Monticello, both house and plantation, with texts that present a current assessment of Jefferson's cultural contributions to his noteworthy home and the fledgling country. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826... - Thomas Jefferson at Monticello: Architecture, Landscape, Collections, Books, Food, Wine.
Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jon Meacham gives us a complete vision of Thomas Jefferson the man, from birth to his last days - through the Revolutionary War and his years as President. We see the Founding Father who steered the states to natio... - Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power.
Thomas Jefferson's Writings. The best one-volume collection of Jefferson's writings includes his autobiography, his Notes on the State of Virginia, and letters to political allies, scientific colleagues, and friends. Edited by Merrill D. Peterson. Hardbou... - Thomas Jefferson's Writings.
Thomas Jefferson by R. B. Bernstein. In Thomas Jefferson, author R. B. Bernstein offers the definitive short biography of this revered American. Included are all of Jefferson's triumphs, contradictions, and failings, from his luxurious (and debt-burdened) life as... - Thomas Jefferson by R. B. Bernstein.