Damask Stripes-Red Embossed Beverage Napkins. There are 16 embossed napkins per package. Napkins are biodegradable, printed with water-based inks on 3-ply tissue, and bleached without chlorine.... - Damask Stripes-Red Embossed Beverage Napkins.
Chesterfield Embossed Beverage Napkins. Versatile for any occasion you can think of with simply 2 lines of personalization, these napkins are made for any event. Choose from 10 fonts for the two lines of text; in addition, you can choose from 15 napkin colors for endless looks. Add on the ... - Chesterfield Embossed Beverage Napkins.
Estate Embossed Beverage Napkins. Single large script initial and two lines of personalization is embossed onto one of 15 beverage napkin colors. Font is only as shown.... - Estate Embossed Beverage Napkins.
Delavan Monogram Embossed Beverage Napkins. Create your own style with your choice of monogram embossed onto a 3-ply beverage napkins. Versatile for any occasion you can think of and makes a great gift when you add on a napkin holder! Choose from 10 monogram styles (many with unique lowercase ... - Delavan Monogram Embossed Beverage Napkins.
Silver Leaf Frame Embossed Beverage Napkins. Deluxe embossed frames combined with classic embossed text for napkins that will be used all the time. Choose from 6 frame styles, two borderless napkin colors, and 10 lettering styles for your text to create napkins for every party!... - Silver Leaf Frame Embossed Beverage Napkins.
Lavish Foil Framed Embossed Text Beverage Napkins. The next level in napkin personalization is here! Duo processing gives you a beautiful colored foil frame with classic embossed text all on one napkin! Choose from 6 frame styles, two borderless napkin colors, and 10 lettering styles for your text to... - Lavish Foil Framed Embossed Text Beverage Napkins.
Lavish Embossed Framed Foil Text Beverage Napkins. The next level in napkin personalization is here! Duo processing gives you a beautiful colored foil text with classic embossed frame all on one napkin! Choose from 6 frame styles, two borderless napkin colors, and 10 lettering styles for your text to... - Lavish Embossed Framed Foil Text Beverage Napkins.