Saltwaterfish Page 4

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Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse 

Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse

Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse. The Red Fin Fairy Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus sp., also commonly referred as the Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse, can make a remarkable addition with its unmistakable features and fascinating behavio... - Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse.

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Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse: Male 

Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse: Male

Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse: Male. The Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis, also known as the Red Fin Fairy Wrasse, Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse, or the Red Fin Wrasse, has a majestic red body with ruby red fins.... - Ruby Finned Fairy Wrasse: Male.

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Saddleback Butterfly - Fiji - MAC Certified 

Saddleback Butterfly - Fiji - MAC Certified

Saddleback Butterfly - Fiji - MAC Certified. The Saddleback Butterfly, Chaetodon ephippium, features a yellow snout that follows the bottom fin to outline the black tail, a white to tan body a with a large black spot outlined in... - Saddleback Butterfly - Fiji - MAC Certified.

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Sailfin Tang - Central Pacific 

Sailfin Tang - Central Pacific

Sailfin Tang - Central Pacific. With the presence of a very large and pronounced dorsal fin, this fish is aptly named the Sailfin Tang. When threatened, they can raise their dorsal fin ton appear larger than they reallly are,... - Sailfin Tang - Central Pacific.

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Sand Sifting Starfish 

Sand Sifting Starfish

Sand Sifting Starfish. When it comes to cleaning the sand bed, the Sand Sifting Starfish, Astropecten polyacanthus, is unparalleled in its effectiveness. Also known as the Comb Starfish, White Starfish, and... - Sand Sifting Starfish.

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Scooter Blenny: Red - South Asia 

Scooter Blenny: Red - South Asia

Scooter Blenny: Red - South Asia. The Red Scooter Blenny, Synchiropus stellatus, also known as the Starry Dragonet, Red Scooter Dragonet, or Stellate Dragonet. This is a small fish with a large head with top mounted eyes and a... - Scooter Blenny: Red - South Asia.

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Shrimpgoby - Randalli 

Shrimpgoby - Randalli

Shrimpgoby - Randalli. The Randalli Shrimpgoby is commonly referred to as the Randall's Goby, Randalli Goby, Randall Goby, Randall's Shrimp Goby, or Orange Stripe Prawn Goby. With its white body and orange stripes, it makes a stunning and gorgeous addition to your tank. Th... - Shrimpgoby - Randalli.

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Sohal Tang - Red Sea 

Sohal Tang - Red Sea

Sohal Tang - Red Sea. The Sohal Tang, Acanthurus sohal, is commonly referred to as the Sohal Surgeonfish and Red Sea Clown Surgeon, and less commonly the Zebra Surgeon, Majestic Tang, Majestic Surgeon, Zebra Ta... - Sohal Tang - Red Sea.

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Tilefish - Purple 

Tilefish - Purple

Tilefish - Purple. There are few fish that exhibit such a brightly colored body, especially in purplethan the tilefish. These highly coveted tilefish fish have long cigar-shaped bodies with a continuous doral fin. Their forked tails have dark... - Tilefish - Purple.

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Toadstool Leather Coral:  Yellow - South Pacific 

Toadstool Leather Coral: Yellow - South Pacific

Toadstool Leather Coral: Yellow - South Pacific. The Umbrella Leather, Sarcophyton sp., features a mushroom cup shaped stalk with a curved crown and numerous extending polyps. They have a leathery touch and lack hard exoskeletons. They a... - Toadstool Leather Coral: Yellow - South Pacific.

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Trumpet Candy Cane Coral - Fiji 

Trumpet Candy Cane Coral - Fiji

Trumpet Candy Cane Coral - Fiji. The Candy Cane Coral, Caulastrea echinulata, also known as the Trumpet Coral or the Trumpet Candy Cane Coral, features trumpet-like branches that have variable color schemes with some rese... - Trumpet Candy Cane Coral - Fiji.

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Umbrella Leather Coral: White / Yellow 

Umbrella Leather Coral: White / Yellow

Umbrella Leather Coral: White / Yellow. The Umbrella Leather, Sarcophyton sp., features a mushroom cup shaped stalk with a curved crown and numerous extending polyps. They have a leathery touch and lack hard exoskeletons. They a... - Umbrella Leather Coral: White / Yellow.

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Wall Hammer Coral: Assorted Metallic 

Wall Hammer Coral: Assorted Metallic

Wall Hammer Coral: Assorted Metallic. The Hammer Coral, Euphyllia ancora, also known as the Anchor Coral, features hammer or anchor shaped tentacles similar to the Torch Coral's. It has brightly colored green, tan, and brown p... - Wall Hammer Coral: Assorted Metallic.

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Yellow Angelfish 

Yellow Angelfish

Yellow Angelfish. The Yellow Angelfish, Centropyge heraldi, also known as the as the Yellow Pygmy Angelfish or Cherubfish, features a sold yellow body, fins, and tail. As one of the smaller dwarf angels, it thrives in... - Yellow Angelfish.

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Yellow Cucumber - Indo Pacific 

Yellow Cucumber - Indo Pacific

Yellow Cucumber - Indo Pacific. The Yellow Sea Cucumber, Stichopus sp., also known as the Robust Sea Cucumber, features a characteristic yellow color and various protruding cilia. They spend their time lodging over... - Yellow Cucumber - Indo Pacific.

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