HR 3inch Rawhide Covered Roper Stirrups 3050. HR Saddlery rawhide covered stirrups with 5.5inch opening with a 3inch neck.~@~@~@Enhance your riding experience with H&R 3inch Rawhide Covered Roper Stirrups! These high-quality stirrups are designed to provide excellent grip and support_ helping you stay secure in the saddle no matter what the terrain.~@~@Featuring a 3inch wide tread_ these stirrups provide plenty of surface area for your feet_ making them comfortable to use even on long rides. The rawhide covering adds a classic western look and... - HR 3inch Rawhide Covered Roper Stirrups 3050.
Tucker Ergo Balance Leather Covered Trail Glide Stirrups 241. Ergo Balance Leather Covered Trail Glide™ stirrups are made of lightweight anodized aluminum alloy and stainless steel hardware. The special angled nylon top bar helps place rider's feet in a level position for decreased knee and ankle fatigue. A com... - Tucker Ergo Balance Leather Covered Trail Glide Stirrups 241.
Royal King Rawhide Deep Roper stjt57-5892. Royal King Rawhide Deep Roper~@Extra long 6 5/8inch hand laced rawhide covered deep roper stirrups with a 3inch neck.... - Royal King Rawhide Deep Roper stjt57-5892.