Clove Daisy Polyp Green Indo Pacific

Clove Daisy Polyp Green Indo Pacific
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Clove (Daisy) Polyp: Green - Indo Pacific

Clove (Daisy) Polyp: Green - Indo Pacific

Clove (Daisy) Polyp: Green - Indo Pacific. The Clove Polyp, Clavularia sp., also known as the Daisy Polyp, features eight tentacle polyps that resemble a beautiful daisy. They are mainly found attached to a single piece of live roc... - Clove (Daisy) Polyp: Green - Indo Pacific.

Price: $236.99 from Saltwaterfish

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Saltwaterfish Clove (Daisy) Polyp: Green - Indo Pacific $236.99Clove Daisy Polyp Green Indo Pacific

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Clove Daisy Polyp Green Indo Pacific

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