| Cubism 2 ft x 2 ft Shanko - Tin Ceilings - #320 - (Pack of 6 and 12) / 24 - 48 sqft. Cubism 2 ft x 2 ft Shanko - Wall and Ceiling Patterns - #320 - (Pack of 6 and 12) / 24 - 48 sqft Layers upon layers of concentric squares raise the interest to a high peak with our SH320 Cubism Shanko decorative ceiling tile. At first glance, these tiles appear to create a standard clean, classic look, but the many layers of the SH320 Cubism Shanko decorative ceiling tile create a much deeper and more interesting three-dimensional look that's perfect in any room, from a boardroom to a bedroom. All... - Cubism 2 ft x 2 ft Shanko - Tin Ceilings - #320 - (Pack of 6 and 12) / 24 - 48 sqft. |