Smart Choice Kenmore 5068 Filtration Paper Bag - 06125. 3 premium filtration bags for Kenmore vacuums that use Style 50688 including the Progressive 5069.... - Smart Choice Kenmore 5068 Filtration Paper Bag - 06125.
Hoover Upright Vacuum Allergen Filtration Bags, Type Z. Pack of 3 Type Z allergen filtration bags for Hoover Upright Cleaner models... - Hoover Upright Vacuum Allergen Filtration Bags, Type Z.
Quilter's Choice Basting. No pinning or stitching necessary. Washes out completely and will not gum up needle. 2oz bottle.... - Quilter's Choice Basting.
Marti's Choice Fusible Tape 2". 1 roll 2" wide total 30 yards. 2" wide perfect for "wavy cut seams" Made from Non-Woven material to prevent stretching and provide stability. White, very light-weight fusible material. Includes 10 page instruction pamphlet by Marti Michell. also incl... - Marti's Choice Fusible Tape 2".
Martis Choice Fsble Tp 1 in 30yd. 1 roll- 1" wide total 30 yards Made from Non-Woven material to prevent stretching and provide stability. White, very light-weight fusible material. Includes 10 page instruction pamphlet by Marti Michell. also includes bonus instructions for a no-bind... - Martis Choice Fsble Tp 1 in 30yd.