Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100

Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100
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Schmetz Jersey/Ballpoint16/100

Schmetz Jersey/Ballpoint16/100

Schmetz Jersey/Ballpoint16/100. Also called Jersey Needles - the medium ball point makes them perfect for knit fabrics. System: 130/705 H SUK. Size 16/100. 5 needles per pack. 10 cards per box.... - Schmetz Jersey/Ballpoint16/100.

Price: $40.90 from SewingMachinesPlus

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SewingMachinesPlus Schmetz Jersey/Ballpoint16/100 $40.90Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100

Schmetz 287 WH SUK sz14 10/pkg 

Schmetz 287 WH SUK sz14 10/pkg

Schmetz 287 WH SUK sz14 10/pkg. Schmetz 287 WH SUK sz14 10/pkg... - Schmetz 287 WH SUK sz14 10/pkg.

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Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100
Schmetz Mag Assortment 5/pk 

Schmetz Mag Assortment 5/pk

Schmetz Mag Assortment 5/pk. Magazine comes with 30 cartridges of needles, 5 needles per cartridge (2-sz 14/90, 2-sz 16/100, & 1-sz 18/110) for a total of 150 needles.... - Schmetz Mag Assortment 5/pk.

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Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100
Schmetz Luggage/SM Tag pkg/50 

Schmetz Luggage/SM Tag pkg/50

Schmetz Luggage/SM Tag pkg/50. Tag It! - Looking for an inexpensive shop hop give-away? Check out the SCHMETZ Color Chart Luggage/Sewing Machine Tags. Fifty (50) tags... - Schmetz Luggage/SM Tag pkg/50.

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Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100
Schmetz Gld Titanium Emb 14/90 

Schmetz Gld Titanium Emb 14/90

Schmetz Gld Titanium Emb 14/90. Slightly rounded point for embroidery on most fabrics. Enlarged eye accommodates special application threads. Titanium Nitride ceramic coating improves needle wear resistance in high stitch count applications and penetration of coarse or densly woven... - Schmetz Gld Titanium Emb 14/90.

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Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100
Schmetz 134-35R sz100/16 10/pk 

Schmetz 134-35R sz100/16 10/pk

Schmetz 134-35R sz100/16 10/pk. (R) Standard round point; CANU: 32:10 1 DPX35... - Schmetz 134-35R sz100/16 10/pk.

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Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100
Schmetz Mag Univ s80/12  5/p 

Schmetz Mag Univ s80/12 5/p

Schmetz Mag Univ s80/12 5/p. Magazine comes with 30 cartridges of needles, 5 needles per cartridge for a total of 150 needles.... - Schmetz Mag Univ s80/12 5/p.

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Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100
Schmetz JerseyBallpoint16100

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