Janome Concealed Zipper Foot for DB Hook Models. Janome Concealed Zipper Foot for DB Hook Models. This foot can be used for placement of invisible zippers.... - Janome Concealed Zipper Foot for DB Hook Models.
Janome 9mm Concealed Zipper Foot - #202144009. To properly install this concealed zipper foot by Janome (202144009), you must have an Invisible Zipper Foot. As the zipper coils are guided through the tunnel system, the needle sews as close the coils as possible. This easy-to-use foot ensures your... - Janome 9mm Concealed Zipper Foot - #202144009.
Janome 3-Way Cording Foot for Oscillating Hook Models. Janome 3-Way Cording Foot for Oscillating Hook Models. The 3-way cording foot will hold one, two or three fine cords or threads.... - Janome 3-Way Cording Foot for Oscillating Hook Models.
Janome Rolled Hem Foot for Oscillating Hook Models. Janome Rolled Hem Foot for Oscillating Hook Models. This foot is designed to automatically fold and sew a hem in lightweight fabrics.... - Janome Rolled Hem Foot for Oscillating Hook Models.