Janome 9mm Piping foot - #202088004. If ready made piping is not available or if you just want to make your own, the piping foot is ideal for the job. The Janome 9mm #202088004 piping foot is designed with two grooves on the underside and will hold and cover the cord when making piping ... - Janome 9mm Piping foot - #202088004.
Janome Piping Presser Foot (9mm). The Janome piping foot is used for piping with a cord diameter of about 2mm. It is useful for making narrow piping tape using the same fabric as the piece of work, or for attaching piping to the fabric.... - Janome Piping Presser Foot (9mm).
Cording Foot 1 (Compulock) serging fine cord or wire 200265104. Used for serging fine cord or wire on fabric. Perfect for edging a bridal veil. For Compulock 888... - Cording Foot 1 (Compulock) serging fine cord or wire 200265104.