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Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count GOLDENROD. 30 wt. Long staple, highly mercerized Egyptian cotton. Matte finish. Soft Feeling. Use for a more delicate look. Available in 66 solid colors. 500yd Snap-end King spool. 3 spools per box.... - Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count GOLDENROD.
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Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count AVOCADO. 30 wt. Long staple, highly mercerized Egyptian cotton. Matte finish. Soft Feeling. Use for a more delicate look. Available in 66 solid colors. 500yd Snap-end King spool. 3 spools per box.... - Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count AVOCADO.
Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count LILAC. 30 wt. Long staple, highly mercerized Egyptian cotton. Matte finish. Soft Feeling. Use for a more delicate look. Available in 66 solid colors. 500yd Snap-end King spool. 3 spools per box.... - Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count LILAC.
Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count ORANGE RED. 30 wt. Long staple, highly mercerized Egyptian cotton. Matte finish. Soft Feeling. Use for a more delicate look. Available in 66 solid colors. 500yd Snap-end King spool. 3 spools per box.... - Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count ORANGE RED.
Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count BURGUNDY. 30 wt. Long staple, highly mercerized Egyptian cotton. Matte finish. Soft Feeling. Use for a more delicate look. Available in 66 solid colors. 500yd Snap-end King spool. 3 spools per box.... - Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count BURGUNDY.
Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count CHESTNUT. 30 wt. Long staple, highly mercerized Egyptian cotton. Matte finish. Soft Feeling. Use for a more delicate look. Available in 66 solid colors. 500yd Snap-end King spool. 3 spools per box.... - Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count CHESTNUT.
Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count BRICK. 30 wt. Long staple, highly mercerized Egyptian cotton. Matte finish. Soft Feeling. Use for a more delicate look. Available in 66 solid colors. 500yd Snap-end King spool. 3 spools per box.... - Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count BRICK.
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Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count GOLDENROD. Cotton Thread 30wt 500yd 3 Count GOLDENROD At The Compare To Shop Center.