White Eggplant Seeds (Solanum melongena). White Eggplant was listed along with a purple variety in several eastern United States seed catalogues by 1825 and Thomas Jefferson was growing both types at Monticello as early as 1812. Also known as melongena, eggplant originated in Asia&comm... - White Eggplant Seeds (Solanum melongena).
White Foxglove Seeds (Digitalis purpurea 'Alba'). White Foxglove, a showy biennial bearing spires of white tubular flowers in late spring and early summer, was grown by Williamsburg's John Custis in 1735. Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMahon listed both the pink and white forms in hi... - White Foxglove Seeds (Digitalis purpurea 'Alba').
Wild Strawberry Seeds (Fragaria virginiana). Thomas Jefferson first recorded "strawberries come to table," at Shadwell, his boyhood home, on May 28, 1767. This diary entry added: "100 fill half a pint," suggesting he was growing the Wild Strawberry, which bea... - Wild Strawberry Seeds (Fragaria virginiana).
Yellow Pear Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.). Yellow Pear Tomato is a very old tomato that dates to at least the early 1600's. The indeterminate vine continues producing clusters of beautiful, 1-2 inch, pear-shaped, lemon to golden yellow fruits throughout the season. Like the ... - Yellow Pear Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.).