Garden Seeds Chp Page 3

Garden Seeds Chp  Page 3
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Georgia Southern Collards Seeds (Brassica oleracea cv.) 

Georgia Southern Collards Seeds (Brassica oleracea cv.)

Georgia Southern Collards Seeds (Brassica oleracea cv.). Collards are a uniquely American vegetable that originated around 1800. This pre-1880 heirloom variety is suited to the sandy soils common in the Atlantic South and is a favorite in Southern cuisine. Also known as Creole Collards, Georgia South... - Georgia Southern Collards Seeds (Brassica oleracea cv.).

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German Johnson Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.) 

German Johnson Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.)

German Johnson Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.). This popular "potato-leaf" variety originated in the southern United States, and was one of the four parent lines of the famous Mortgage Lifter Tomato, a 1930's introduction. German Johnson Tomato produces large, meaty fruit with pi... - German Johnson Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.).

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Giant Musselburgh Leeks Seeds (Allium ampeloprasum cv.) 

Giant Musselburgh Leeks Seeds (Allium ampeloprasum cv.)

Giant Musselburgh Leeks Seeds (Allium ampeloprasum cv.). The garden leek is a Mediterranean species that was cultivated by the Egyptians as early as 3,200 BCE. Thomas Jefferson planted a variety of Flag Leek in his vegetable garden at Monticello in 1812. The Giant Musselburgh Leek originated in Engla... - Giant Musselburgh Leeks Seeds (Allium ampeloprasum cv.).

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Globe Amaranth Seeds (Gomphrena globosa) 

Globe Amaranth Seeds (Gomphrena globosa)

Globe Amaranth Seeds (Gomphrena globosa). Globe Amaranth seeds were first planted by Thomas Jefferson at Shadwell, his boyhood home, on April 2, 1767. It was introduced into Europe from India in 1714 and was grown in Virginia by John Custis of Williamsburg as early as 1737.... - Globe Amaranth Seeds (Gomphrena globosa).

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Globe Artichoke Seeds (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) 

Globe Artichoke Seeds (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus)

Globe Artichoke Seeds (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus). Globe Artichoke was included on one of Thomas Jefferson's first lists of vegetables grown at Monticello in 1770. His Garden Book sporadically charted the first to "come to table" and the "last dish of artichokes" from 1794 to 1825. A native of southe... - Globe Artichoke Seeds (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus).

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Globe Centaurea Seeds (Centaurea macrocephala) 

Globe Centaurea Seeds (Centaurea macrocephala)

Globe Centaurea Seeds (Centaurea macrocephala). Globe Centaurea, also called Great Golden Knapweed, is a robust perennial from the Caucasus, introduced to Britain by 1805. Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMahon sent seeds to Thomas Jefferson in 1812. The plant forms clumps 3-4' ... - Globe Centaurea Seeds (Centaurea macrocephala).

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Great Blue Lobelia Seeds (Lobelia siphilitica) 

Great Blue Lobelia Seeds (Lobelia siphilitica)

Great Blue Lobelia Seeds (Lobelia siphilitica). Great Blue Lobelia has been grown in American flower gardens since at least the beginning of the 19th century, and many Native American tribes used this native wildflower for a variety of medicinal purposes. It produces elegant spires of blue f... - Great Blue Lobelia Seeds (Lobelia siphilitica).

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Great Red Hibiscus Seeds (Hibiscus coccineus) 

Great Red Hibiscus Seeds (Hibiscus coccineus)

Great Red Hibiscus Seeds (Hibiscus coccineus). Great Red Hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus), a perennial native to the coastal swamps of Georgia and Florida, was adopted as an ornamental in American gardens by the end of the 18th century, when George Washington ordered a plant for Mo... - Great Red Hibiscus Seeds (Hibiscus coccineus).

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Greek Oregano Seeds (Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum) 

Greek Oregano Seeds (Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum)

Greek Oregano Seeds (Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum). Greek Oregano, native to Greece and Turkey, bears especially flavorful leaves and has a long history of culinary use. Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMahon listed Winter Sweet Marjoram (O. heracleoticum), a synonym of Greek Oregan... - Greek Oregano Seeds (Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum).

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Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow Seeds (Hibiscus laevis) 

Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow Seeds (Hibiscus laevis)

Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow Seeds (Hibiscus laevis). Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow, a large, native perennial with light pink, hollyhock-like flowers, was noted by John and William Bartram during their explorations of the South in 1765-66. "Halberd", the name of a 15th centur... - Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow Seeds (Hibiscus laevis).

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Horminum Sage Seeds (Salvia viridis) 

Horminum Sage Seeds (Salvia viridis)

Horminum Sage Seeds (Salvia viridis). Horminum Sage is a hardy annual native to the Mediterranean region. Grown in Britain as an ornamental in the 16th century, Horminum Sage was cultivated in American gardens as early as 1761, when it appeared on a plant list for a Moravian ... - Horminum Sage Seeds (Salvia viridis).

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Hyssop Seeds (Hyssopus officinalis) 

Hyssop Seeds (Hyssopus officinalis)

Hyssop Seeds (Hyssopus officinalis). Hyssop was well-established in English gardens by the 1400's, and was brought to America by early colonists. Thomas Jefferson listed Hyssop among plants for his kitchen garden in 1794. Sometimes used as an edging plant for gardens, this s... - Hyssop Seeds (Hyssopus officinalis).

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Italian Parsley Seeds (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum) 

Italian Parsley Seeds (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum)

Italian Parsley Seeds (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum). Thomas Jefferson grew the plain-leaf or Italian Parsley as early as 1774 and listed it as Common Parsley in his vegetable garden calendar. This flat-leaf type is considered more flavorful than the curled form also planted by Jefferson. Parsley can be... - Italian Parsley Seeds (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum).

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Jimmy Nardello's Sweet Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) 

Jimmy Nardello's Sweet Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum var. annuum)

Jimmy Nardello's Sweet Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum var. annuum). This Italian heirloom variety was brought to America in 1887 by the Nardello family when they immigrated to Connecticut. Jimmy Nardello preserved his mother's favorite strain of sweet frying pepper and, in 1983, his son James donated seed... - Jimmy Nardello's Sweet Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum var. annuum).

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Johnny Jump Up Seeds (Viola tricolor) 

Johnny Jump Up Seeds (Viola tricolor)

Johnny Jump Up Seeds (Viola tricolor). Johnny jump up, or Heartsease, is a showy, self-seeding annual with small pansy-like flowers, each of them showing three colors: deep purple, yellow, and white. The plant was established in American gardens before ... - Johnny Jump Up Seeds (Viola tricolor).

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Joseph's Coat Seeds (Amaranthus tricolor) 

Joseph's Coat Seeds (Amaranthus tricolor)

Joseph's Coat Seeds (Amaranthus tricolor). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello. Thomas Jefferson included Joseph's Coat, or "three-coloured Amaranth", in a shipment of seeds to his brother-in-law, Francis Eppes, from Paris in 1786. This brightly-plumed, tend... - Joseph's Coat Seeds (Amaranthus tricolor).

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Lacinato Kale Seeds (Brassica oleracea var. acephala cv.) 

Lacinato Kale Seeds (Brassica oleracea var. acephala cv.)

Lacinato Kale Seeds (Brassica oleracea var. acephala cv.). An 18th-century Italian heirloom, Lacinato Kale remains popular today due to the superior flavor of it's sturdy, savoyed, dark blue-green leaves and high nutritional content. Thomas Jefferson recorded the planting of "Cavolo nero (C... - Lacinato Kale Seeds (Brassica oleracea var. acephala cv.).

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Lemon Bergamot Seeds (Monarda citriodora) 

Lemon Bergamot Seeds (Monarda citriodora)

Lemon Bergamot Seeds (Monarda citriodora). Native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, the self-seeding, annual Lemon Bergamot was used by the Hopi tribe as a seasoning for wild hare. The lemon-scented leaves can also be rubbed on the skin as an insect repellant and ... - Lemon Bergamot Seeds (Monarda citriodora).

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Lewis' Prairie Flax Seeds (Linum perenne lewisii) 

Lewis' Prairie Flax Seeds (Linum perenne lewisii)

Lewis' Prairie Flax Seeds (Linum perenne lewisii). In 1806, Lewis and Clark observed this western North American perennial in the valleys of the Rocky Mountains. It was named Linum Lewisii after Capt. Meriwether Lewis. This subspecies, which is more robust than the common European species... - Lewis' Prairie Flax Seeds (Linum perenne lewisii).

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Listada de Gandia Eggplant Seeds (Solanum melongena cv.) 

Listada de Gandia Eggplant Seeds (Solanum melongena cv.)

Listada de Gandia Eggplant Seeds (Solanum melongena cv.). The eggplant was long cultivated in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East before it's introduction to Europe in the mid-1500s'. Thomas Jefferson first planted eggplant at Monticello in 1809. The Listada de Gandia Eggplant is an heirloom from ... - Listada de Gandia Eggplant Seeds (Solanum melongena cv.).

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