Cool-Season Vegetable Seed Collection. Thomas Jefferson started his gardening year early, and advised that "a thimbleful of Lettuce should be sowed every Monday morning, from Feb. 1st to Sept. 1." This collection offers a range of delicious and nutritious cool-season vegetable... - Cool-Season Vegetable Seed Collection.
Corn Poppy Seeds (Papaver rhoeas). Thomas Jefferson grew "Papaver Rhoeas flor. plen. double poppy" in a Monticello oval flower bed in 1807. This is a horticultural variety of the common European field poppy, which was immortalized in Flanders during World War I. Corn Poppy (Papa... - Corn Poppy Seeds (Papaver rhoeas).
Corn Salad Seeds (Valerianella locusta). Corn Salad, also known as Mache and Lamb's Lettuce, is a cool-season annual with 3" leaves that add a mild, nutty flavor to salads. Thomas Jefferson grew this European native at Monticello, and recorded saving seed in 1794. Wh... - Corn Salad Seeds (Valerianella locusta).
Costoluto Genovese Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.). Thomas Jefferson was a pioneer in tomato culture, planting the relatively unfamiliar tomato from 1809 until his death in 1826. He also noted that "tomatas" were grown in Virginia gardens in Notes on the State of Virginia (1782). Costoluto Genov... - Costoluto Genovese Tomato Seeds (Solanum lycopersicum cv.).
Cupani Sweet Pea Seeds (Lathyrus odoratus). Francisco Cupani, a Franciscan monk, is credited with first describing the wild Lathyrus odoratus and sending seed from Sicily to gardens in Amsterdam and Britain in 1699. The name Cupani Sweet Pea is often applied to this wild species fo... - Cupani Sweet Pea Seeds (Lathyrus odoratus).
Cutting Garden Seed Collection. Featured in VERANDA magazine! In an 1807 letter to his granddaughter, Thomas Jefferson sketched his idea for a winding walk bordered by planting beds to allow "abundant room for a great variety" of flowers at Monticello. This seed collect... - Cutting Garden Seed Collection.
Cymling or Pattypan Squash Seeds (Cucurbita pepo). Commonly called Pattypan Squash, this variety originated among the Native North Americans. Cymlings were well-known in the colonies by the 1790's and Thomas Jefferson said they were "one of our finest and most innocent vegetables". They were fr... - Cymling or Pattypan Squash Seeds (Cucurbita pepo).
Deerhorn Clarkia Seeds (Clarkia pulchella). On June 1, 1806, Meriwether Lewis "met with a singular plant today in blume" and collected it "on the steep sides of the fertile hills" northeast of Kamiah, Idaho. Clarkia was named for William Clark, co-captain of the expedit... - Deerhorn Clarkia Seeds (Clarkia pulchella).
Dwarf Gray Sugar Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.). Offered in 1881 by D. M. Ferry & Co. of Detroit, Michigan, and called in their catalog "the most desirable of all the edible pod peas". The Dwarf Gray Sugar Pea lives up to its name: the edible, stringless, 3-4" pods are sweet... - Dwarf Gray Sugar Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.).
Early Blood Turnip-rooted Beet Seeds (Beta vulgaris cv.). Thomas Jefferson regularly grew Red, Scarlet, and White beets in the Monticello vegetable garden. Early Blood Turnip-rooted Beet was introduced c. 1820; in Field and Garden Vegetables of America (1863), Fearing Burr noted its deep b... - Early Blood Turnip-rooted Beet Seeds (Beta vulgaris cv.).
Early Curled Siberian Kale Seeds (Brassica napus var. pabularia cv.). Thomas Jefferson's vegetable garden commonly included various Kales such as German, Russian, Delaware, Malta, and Scotch types. This tender green, also known as Borecole and Headless Cabbage, is superior source of ... - Early Curled Siberian Kale Seeds (Brassica napus var. pabularia cv.).
Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Seeds (Brassica oleracea var. capitata cv.). Numerous types of cabbages were planted in Thomas Jefferson's gardens throughout his lifetime, including French, Milan, Savoy, Ox-heart, Roman, Scotch, Sugarloaf, York, and Winter. Early Jersey Wa... - Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Seeds (Brassica oleracea var. capitata cv.).
Early Scarlet Globe Radish Seeds (Raphanus sativus cv.). Radishes, like lettuces, were regularly grown in the Monticello vegetable garden for use in salads. The two crops were often sown together beginning in early March. Thomas Jefferson preferred the scarlet radish, although his garden ... - Early Scarlet Globe Radish Seeds (Raphanus sativus cv.).
Empress of India Nasturtium Seeds (Tropaeolum minus cv.). Eastern North American seed companies were offering this showy, award-winning variety by the 1880's. Empress of India Nasturtium has a dwarf, bushy habit, dark purplish-blue foliage, and brilliant crimson-scarlet flowers. The ... - Empress of India Nasturtium Seeds (Tropaeolum minus cv.).
English Daisy Seeds (Bellis perennis). English Daisy was well established as a garden flower in America by 1700, and was known by a number of common names, including Bone Flower, Herb Margaret, and Measure of Love. Thomas Jefferson listed the English Daisy for plan... - English Daisy Seeds (Bellis perennis).
English Lavender Seeds (Lavandula angustifolia). English Lavender is one of the best-known of the traditional aromatic herbs. Valued for its small lavender flowers as well as for its fragrant gray leaves, this hardy, dwarf shrub has been grown and used in Europe since at least the 12th ... - English Lavender Seeds (Lavandula angustifolia).
Florence Fennel Seeds (Foeniculum vulgare azoricum). Florence Fennel, called Finnochio in Italy, is an edible plant with ornamental, feathery, anise-flavored leaves, and enlarged, bulb-like, aromatic leaf stalks. The seeds are also edible and anise-flavored&com... - Florence Fennel Seeds (Foeniculum vulgare azoricum).
Formosa Lily Seeds (Lilium formosanum). Introduced from Taiwan in the 1880's, Formosa Lily is a spectacular self-seeding, perennial lily that bears large, extremely fragrant, funnel-shaped white flowers, suffused wine-purple on the outer side of the petals&com... - Formosa Lily Seeds (Lilium formosanum).
Foxglove Seeds (Digitalis purpurea). Foxglove, a showy biennial bearing spires of deep pink tubular flowers in late spring and early summer, was grown in American gardens by 1735, and likely became more common after its medicinal properties were discovered in the late ... - Foxglove Seeds (Digitalis purpurea).
Fringed Pink Seeds (Dianthus superbus). Fringed Pink is a native European and Asian perennial with flowers in shades of pale pink to white in early summer. Its flowers have a spicy fragrance and deeply cut petals, thus the common name pink, for pinking shears. Although recorded... - Fringed Pink Seeds (Dianthus superbus).