Champion of England Pea Seeds Pisum sativum cv

Champion of England Pea Seeds Pisum sativum cv
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Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.)

Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.)

Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.). Harvested from the gardens at MonticelloMoney Plant, or Honesty, is a self-seeding biennial named for it's showiest feature--its 2-foot stalks of silvery, coin-shaped seedpods, which are attractive in dried arrangements. It was among the first European flowers grown in American gardens, and was valued for its seedpods and edible roots. Seeing the small purple flowers on April 25, 1767, Jefferson remarked, "Lunaria still in bloom, an indifferent... - Champion of England Pea Seeds (Pisum sativum cv.).

Price: $3.95 from Monticello Shop

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Champion of England Pea Seeds Pisum sativum cv

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