Yellow Horned Poppy Seeds (Glaucium flavum). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello! This unusual short-lived yet self-seeding perennial - native to the coastal regions of North Africa, Europe, Britain, and Western Asia - was observed naturalized along the New England coast as early as the 17th century. Thomas Jefferson planted seeds of Yellow Horned Poppy at Monticello in an oval bed southeast of the house in 1807. It has attractive, bluish-gray foliage and bears bright golden-yellow, poppy-like flowers... - Yellow Horned Poppy Seeds (Glaucium flavum).
Prickly Poppy Seeds (Argemone mexicana). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.On June 18, 1767, Thomas Jefferson recorded in his Garden Book that "Argemone put out one flower" in his garden at Shadwell. On July 18 he noted another Prickly Poppy flower and observed that it wa... - Prickly Poppy Seeds (Argemone mexicana).
Yellow Arikara Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.Arikara Beans were named for the Dakota Arikara tribe encountered by Lewis and Clark during their "Voyage of Discovery." Dried Arikara beans helped sustain the members of the Expedition through the arduous For... - Yellow Arikara Bean Seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris cv.).
Yellow Guinea Flint Corn Seeds (Zea mays indurata cv.). Thomas Jefferson grew a dozen varieties of "Indian Corn" (Zea mays) at Monticello, starting in 1774. While serving as Minister to France, Jefferson requested seed from home for "homony-corna |which we used to make 20 barrels a year for ta... - Yellow Guinea Flint Corn Seeds (Zea mays indurata cv.).
Strawflower Seeds (Helichrysum bracteatum). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.Strawflower, a half-hardy annual that withstands light frosts, was introduced from Australia to England in 1799, and has since been treasured for its everlasting flowers that are ideal for dr... - Strawflower Seeds (Helichrysum bracteatum).
Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.In 1786, as he was serving as Minister to France, Thomas Jefferson sent a collection of seeds and plants home to friends, including the lovely purple-flowering Heliotrope: "To be sowed in spr... - Heliotrope Seeds (Heliotropium arborescens).
Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.Thomas Jefferson planted Sesame, or "Benni", for many years at Monticello in order to press a salad oil from the seeds. He wrote in 1811, "I did not believe there existed so perfect a substit... - Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum).