True Delight Iris Iris x germanica cv

True Delight Iris Iris x germanica cv
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True Delight Iris (Iris x germanica cv.)

True Delight Iris (Iris x germanica cv.)

True Delight Iris (Iris x germanica cv.). Hardy, spring-flowering rhizomatous perennialDescription: Tall, plicata bearded iris; white standards and falls are edged in lavender "stitching"Habit: Erect, clump forming plants grow 3 feet high and 1-2 feet wide; spreading slowly in widthCulture: Prefers loamy, well-drained soil and full sun; divide roots after flowering in July through August; plant roots slightly above soil surfaceHardiness: Cold hardy to USDA Zone 3German or Bearded Iris have been cultivated since... - True Delight Iris (Iris x germanica cv.).

Price: $10.00 from Monticello Shop

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Monticello Shop True Delight Iris (Iris x germanica cv.) $10.00True Delight Iris Iris x germanica cv

Miss Aravilla Iris (Iris x germanica cv.) 

Miss Aravilla Iris (Iris x germanica cv.)

Miss Aravilla Iris (Iris x germanica cv.). Hardy, spring-flowering rhizomatous perennialDescription: Striking blend of golden standards with reddish-maroon, variegated falls and orange to deep yellow beardsHabit: Erect, clump forming plants grow 2-4 feet high and 1-2 feet wi... - Miss Aravilla Iris (Iris x germanica cv.).

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True Delight Iris Iris x germanica cv
Indian Chief Iris (Iris x germanica cv.) 

Indian Chief Iris (Iris x germanica cv.)

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Variegated Sweet Iris (Iris pallida 'Variegata')

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White Roof Iris (Iris tectorum 'Alba')

White Roof Iris (Iris tectorum 'Alba'). Hardy, late spring-flowering, evergreen perennial Description: Ruffled, orchid-like crested iris has white petals with yellow veins on the crests and falls; flower stalks form amid or slightly above the sword-like leaves. Habit: F... - White Roof Iris (Iris tectorum 'Alba').

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True Delight Iris Iris x germanica cv
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True Delight Iris Iris x germanica cv
True Delight Iris Iris x germanica cv

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