Tennis Ball Lettuce Seeds Lactuca sativa cv

Tennis Ball Lettuce Seeds Lactuca sativa cv
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Tennis Ball  Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa cv.)

Tennis Ball Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa cv.)

Tennis Ball Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa cv.). Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.Tennis Ball was among Thomas Jefferson's favorite lettuce varieties. He noted that "it does not require so much care and attention" as other types. The parent of our modern Boston race of lettuces so popular today, this black-seeded variety was first sold by American seedsmen late in the 18th century. Tennis Ball is distinctive for its delicate, pale-green leaves, which form a loose head. Jefferson-documented: This plant was documented by... - Tennis Ball Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa cv.).

Price: $4.95 from Monticello Shop

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Silesia Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa cv.) 

Silesia Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa cv.)

Silesia Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa cv.). Harvested from the Gardens at Monticello.In his Garden Book, Jefferson recorded the sowing of Silesia Lettuce seed on May 17, 1819. Also called White Silesian, Early Curled Silesian and Curled German Batavian, this white-seede... - Silesia Lettuce Seeds (Lactuca sativa cv.).

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Tennis Ball Lettuce Seeds Lactuca sativa cv
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Tennis Ball Lettuce Seeds Lactuca sativa cv
Tennis Ball Lettuce Seeds Lactuca sativa cv

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