Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria). Hardy, early-spring blooming native perennialDescription: Small white and yellow flowers lined up on stalks somewhat resembling pantaloons on a clothesline. The finely cut foliage is also desirable. Culture: Prefers partial sun and good drainage. Plant the bulbs just below the soil surface. Habit: Plants grow 6 to 10 inches high and 8 to 12 inches wide. Hardiness: Cold hardy to USDA Zone 2 Origin: North America This choice native perennial grows in abundance along the alluvial slopes of... - Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria).
Bear's Breeches (Acanthus mollis). Hardy, herbaceous perennialDescription: Pure white flowers with purple-shaded bracts on 3' stalks in late spring to midsummer; shiny, dark green, deeply lobed foliage Habit: Grows 4' high and 3' wide, clump forming Culture: ... - Bear's Breeches (Acanthus mollis).
Spiny Bear's Breeches (Acanthus spinosus). Hardy, herbaceous perennialDescription: Pure white flowers with purple bracts on 3' stalks, blooms in late spring to midsummer; shiny, dark green, deeply cut leaves with spiny margins Habit: Grows 4' high and 3' wide, ... - Spiny Bear's Breeches (Acanthus spinosus).
Wild Bleeding Heart (Dicentra eximia). Hardy, herbaceous North American perennialDescription: Clusters of deep rose-pink blossoms form on long stems in spring and sporadically through summer and fall; fine textured, fern-like pale green foliage remains until frost Habit: Gro... - Wild Bleeding Heart (Dicentra eximia).
White Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'). Hardy, deciduous late-spring blooming perennial Description: Heart-shaped pure white flowers hang loosely from gracefully arching stems Habit: Grows in clumps 2 to 4 feet high Culture: Prefers partial shade and rich, evenly moist soil.... - White Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba').