Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata

Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata
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Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris (Iris cristata)

Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris (Iris cristata)

Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris (Iris cristata). Hardy, herbaceous spring-flowering North American perennial Description: Small, pale blue flowers appear just above gracefully bending pale green leaves. Habit: Grows 6-8" high and up to 12" wide Culture: Prefers well drained soil and woodland shade; tolerates dry conditions Hardiness: Cold hardy to USDA Zones 4 through 8 Jefferson-documentedThis charming woodland iris is native to the eastern North American deciduous forest where it often grows on rocky slopes. Peter Collinson,... - Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris (Iris cristata).

Price: $5.00 from Monticello Shop

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Monticello Shop Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris (Iris cristata) $5.00Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata

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Bare Root Monterey Iris (Iris x germanica cv.)

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Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata
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Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata
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Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata
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Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata
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Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata
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Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata
Bare Root Dwarf Crested Iris Iris cristata

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